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After a very successful premiere night last Monday, The 'Thank You' Girls will be screened in Gaisano Mall, Davao City on Sept 10-16.

Wag na papahuli! Idefine na si darkness!

Proudly Davao-made, pumunta na sa Gaisano Mall simula bukas and watch the gayest film ever!!!

6 shouts:

bebs, i saw you in inquirer wearing eheads shirt!!! panalo!

Anonymous said...

bols, korek. haha. during the shoot yun. yun yung time na kinukunan si bernadette na character na nasa topload ng jeep na winawagayway ang blue na tela. haha.

at katatapos lang namin maglunch nun at 4pm.

Anonymous said...

vakler! kelan ulit screening dito?

text mo ko kung meron please? ;)09278164699

Yffar (^^,) said...

Proposed Names:
A. Pink Bloggers Guild
B. The Pink Chronicles
C. Rainbow Blogs Philippines
D. Other suggested names that may arise

To create a united community of Filipino LGBT Bloggers, that may act as an organization for aspiring LGBT writers and hone their skills by guiding , recognizing their works, and inspiring them to pursue an inner motivation for blogging whether it’s personal, informative or other reasons why they created their blog.

a. Making a LGBT Bloggers Directory
b. Providing Weekly Reviews
c. Creating a weekly/ Monthly Award
d. Organizing a Monthly/Weekly chat conference
e. Gathering in an Annual/ Quarterly Eyeball
f. Participating in LGBT Advocacies

Proposed Committees:
a. Marketing and Networking. A separate committee shall search for potential blogs that can join the community and communicate with possible allies such as organizations, publications, etc. that may help in pursuing the goals of the said community.

b. Membership. A committee shall handle possible members of the community and review the contents of the blog whether it is related to the LGBT category or not. Upon approval of the committee, the blog shall now be placed in the Directory.

c. Reviews. A committee will have to conduct weekly reviews on a certain blog about the good features of the blog. Negative feedbacks to improve the blog shall not be posted on the review, it will be discussed in a private manner such as a personal mail to the author by the reviewer. The committee must ensure that all blogs shall be given a review. A member of the committee shall not create a review of his own blog.
d. Events. The committee shall create monthly events that will focus on the interactions between memb ers of the community. Such activities may be held online, via chat/conference, or in a general assembly/ eyeball gathering.

e. Awards. This committee shall conduct a surveys/poll sor other contest s that may recognize the LGBT blogger and his site, e.g. Pink Blog of the Week, or annual LGBT Blog Awards. The committee must have no bias in giving out awards.

f. Web Masters. This committee shall be composed of the committee heads of each team that may discuss on the overall design of the website, input necessary information, create posts, and act as the executive heads of the said community.

g. Other committees shall be created and some proposed above may be dissolved depending on the actual need of the community.

a. As a part of the LGBT community, ethical principles must be upheld and violators of the community rules shall cause a member’s blog be out of the directory and he/she will be removed as a member of the said community. Possible violations: Plagiarism, Libel, etc.
b. It will be the discretion of the committee heads if they will include a blog that contains pornography or simple nudity. Proper judgment shall be applied.
c. Other provisions that might arise shall be discussed upon the completion of the said community.

Bloggers that agreed on the creation of the community:
a. Kiks of ABBA
b. Lyka Bergen of The Lyka Bergen Show
c. Mrs J of The Reigning Mizis
d. Jericho of Kape’t Yosi
e. Wilberchie of Wilberchie’s World
f. Yffar of The Rainbow Halohalo Project
g. other bloggers are all welcome to help in building this new community.

Anonymous said...

text kita marz. go.

partyphile said...

oh..i hear the movie's really good..

congrats on that :D

anyways...was chekcin out my old blog ( )

and saw ur comment there..hehe..check out my new one at


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